Monday, August 10, 2009

Still Employed and other updates

It was another busy week at our house! I can't believe summer is almost over.

Our road is under construction. Last week they tore the entire road out. There has been construction workers and equipment galore all week! Once the road was all ripped out, they started bringing in loads and loads of rock. They are now bringing in smaller gravel and starting to level it out a bit. It should be done in the next week or two. I am looking forward to having a new smooth road. I'm also looking forward to the girls not being woken up early in the morning, taking shorter naps, or skipping naps altogether.

Layoffs are complete in Paul's department at work. He still has a job! I think it is a little unknown what will happen to his department in general or how much his job will change.

I have been having lots of Braxton-Hicks contractions. Hopefully that means that this baby will come sooner rather than later! Paul better get choosing a name.

Now onto the pictures...

Lydia at Haupt Strauss Park
Lydia and Grace at the park
Last Monday we went to the zoo with some friends. Here are some pictures of the kids!

I don't think Grace cared if she saw any animals. She loved hanging out with Kaylin! She was NEVER looking at the camera in any pictures. (For anyone who has seen Grace in the past week, here is the chair she fell off and got all the scrapes).

Grace and Owen happily posing by the butterfly garden.

Add a few more kids!
Don't forget Sophia!

Friday morning we went to visit my Great-Grandma Kamps at the nursing home. Here she is with my mom, Haley, Grace and Lydia.

Friday night we went to Laurie & Todd's wedding. Grace quickly learned how to clink her glass with her knife.
Deena and Grace
Lydia eating cake with Grandpa
Finally the dancing! Both girls loved dancing!

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