Friday, April 30, 2010

Fun at the Zoo

Nothing is a better bargain than the Milwaukee Zoo Pass that we get every year for Christmas (thanks Grandpa Charlie & Grandma Dawn). As soon as the weather is warm enough we go nearly every week. It's perfect for us since we never get to see too much in one day. I would much rather have the girls run around, dawdle how they seem fit, and wear themselves out before nap time.

An entertaining camel
Peacock - Lydia loves to chase the peacocks. Luckily for this little guy, there was a fence to keep her away.
Lydia, Allie, and Grace - attached for the morning
Grace and Lydia play with their friend Allie frequently. Whenever they hold hands, Allie has to be in the middle.
Double Trouble (Lydia & Allie)
Lots of friends chilling by the giraffes.
The giraffes
Proof that Ella was at the zoo too. She slept most of the time.
Feeding the fish. Is it worse that I avoid the reptile building and let the girls watch the little pond fish instead or that the girls try to feed the poor fish little bits of concrete and stones?

Housekeeping Services

Cinderella (the daughter I had thought that I named Grace) likes to clean windows. If you have any windows that need washing, I'm sure she would love to help. She has been wearing the same Cinderella dress for months. I didn't realize it had been that long until I looked back at the old pictures. She is cheap labor, but she does seem to make up for her lack of pay by using a lot of window cleaner.

Run Paul Run

Paul started running in January. He blames it on peer pressure. At the end of March he ran his first 1/2 marathon in Waukesha. He did a good job. (Although he seems to be smiling way more than he should be after running 13.1 miles).

I had intentions of taking a picture as he crossed the finish line, but instead I had to go catch my kids. Grace and Lydia both decided to join Daddy as he finished the race, so they ran after him and finished the 1/2 marathon too. Some days three kids are too much for me to control!!

Lydia's First Shiner

We went to a water park in March. Both Grace and Lydia LOVED the water slides. Grace preferred going down the slides with other people. Lydia just likes to go. Since she is so small, she bounces around as she goes does and usually still isn't sitting up when she gets the the bottom. After a particularly rough ride on the slide she got a black eye. :-( I am sure it will be her first of many the way she play, climbs and jumps.

Sunshine and Outside Fun

Finally... after months of cold, time consuming battles bundling the kids up to go outside. We welcomed spring weather with open arms and many hours outside playing. Lydia has adjusted to the new routine quickly. She wakes up, eats breakfast and immediately heads outside to play.

Love her hair!! Who knew it was so long?!

Ella likes to swing too! Lydia has been kicked out of her baby swing.


After taking a month and a 1/2 off from blogging, I figured I better catch up on what we have been doing for the past couple months. I'll break it into smaller blog postings, but hopefully I'll be caught up soon (only to eventually fall behind again)!

It only takes one warm day in March for me to get out all the sandals, capris, sundresses, and tank tops. We seemed to have plenty of warm days this spring and we wasted no time in dressing for the weather.