Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Random Updates

  • Paul and I think we are on the home stretch of potty training Grace. She has been wearing underpants during the day for the past few weeks with only a few accidents. Tomorrow night we are going to try switching from Pull ups to underpants at night too. She's woken up dry for the past few weeks and has got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom! Yeah Grace!
  • Grace likes to play hide and seek although I don't think she quite gets the entire concept. She tells you where to hide and then she leaves to count. When she is done counting, hopefully she comes to find you before she gets distracted with something else.
  • Lydia will be 1 next week! I can't believe she is already a year old. She isn't quite walking, but she is definitely making up for it climbing. She really enjoys standing on her rocking chair and rocking until she flips it right over. Then she laughs, crawls back up there and does it again.
  • Both girls continue to grow and amaze (and worry) us every day. Last night Paul put Grace to bed. When I went to bed, I didn't check on her because I could hear her singing songs to her babies. Paul checked on her before he went to bed and she wasn't in bed. He figured she crawled into bed with me, but she wasn't in our bed either. After freaking out a bit, he found her asleep on her closet floor.
  • One morning Grace thought it would be a lot of fun to pull Lydia around the floor. Lydia thought it was great!

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