Paul ran the Green Bay Cellcom 1/2 marathon last month. The girls know that Paul and I both run, but they don't often see us in action. So, I got Daddy's biggest fans ready to cheer him on for his race.

Grace colored big signs for the big event. We were going to surprise him the signs when we got to the race, but Grace wouldn't have it. As soon as Paul got home from work on the day she colored the signs, she raced to show him the hidden posters.

Is was a chilly, windy morning so I the girls preferred to watch Paul from the back of the fan as he ran by. Unfortunately, I was too busy taking care of these 3 girls to get pictures of Paul from any of our random cheering spots.

Here's my great handsome seconds before crossing the finish line! We're so proud of you!

The girls and Daddy! Since we didn't show up to the finish line until moments before Paul finished the race, Lydia was (and still is) convinced that Paul is the winner and beat everyone else!
Paul's a winner as far as the girls are concerned. Lydia tells everyone that "there Daddy is a winner and he won a medal!" Lydia went so far as showing all her friends the medal and insisting that he wear the medal in order to sit next to her at dinner.
Were so proud of you Paul! You did a great job!
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