Does it take two consecutive events to be a tradition?
We made it to our second Germantown Independence Day parade on Sunday. Good showing. Mom pulled the wagon full of kids. Lazy dad, you say? Where's the chairs? The lunches? The camera bag? Two seater wagon with a trailer and I'm still a pack mule.

Christy snapped an excellent shot of Grace looking rather proud, inquisitive, and nostalgic at the parade. One dSLR and Christy is getting good at photography.

We coordinated with some old friends and new friends to find a semi-shady spot. Two mom's club families and our neighbors all congregated. From far left there's Brian, Allie, Lydia, Connor, Grace, Ava, and Lauren. Katie, Alex, me and Ella are in the back row.

As soon as the marching bands got to us, Grace and Allie couldn't help but dance. Despite two different dance classes, Grace has little grace. Maybe we should spend more than pocket change for a dance class. We're lucky Allie is tough enough to take it and hand it back.

And after a 1.5hr parade, friends must part ways. The only way to make it through the upcoming stressful days of summer is with a reminder that we're not on this planet alone. So, Lauren and Grace embrace. How would they ever survive until they meet again (days later) without the heartfelt hug?

In the end, the girls made it home with a load of tootsie rolls and only a couple of lollipops. Sorry Alex; you're 0 for 2.
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