We are now frequent McDonalds guests! The McDonalds nearest our house is great for toddlers. Most kids over 4 are even too tall for the play area! Last Tuesday, they were serving free hotcakes and sausage so we headed out to their favorite dining establishment to join their favorite friends! Here they kids are on the coolest jeep ever! They all managed to get on their and stay posed for what seemed like light years in kid-time.
Friday, November 13, 2009
It's crazy to think that we rarely brought Grace to McDonald's until she was almost two! In the past year, she has come a long way!! She knows what to order as we go through the drive-thru ("chicken nuggets, apples, milk and I'm a girl") and she can spot the giant "M" a mile away. For a while, any time we went through any kind of drive thru, she tried to order food. She has since figured out that US Bank and Starbucks don't give out chicken nuggets.
We are now frequent McDonalds guests! The McDonalds nearest our house is great for toddlers. Most kids over 4 are even too tall for the play area! Last Tuesday, they were serving free hotcakes and sausage so we headed out to their favorite dining establishment to join their favorite friends! Here they kids are on the coolest jeep ever! They all managed to get on their and stay posed for what seemed like light years in kid-time.

We are now frequent McDonalds guests! The McDonalds nearest our house is great for toddlers. Most kids over 4 are even too tall for the play area! Last Tuesday, they were serving free hotcakes and sausage so we headed out to their favorite dining establishment to join their favorite friends! Here they kids are on the coolest jeep ever! They all managed to get on their and stay posed for what seemed like light years in kid-time.
Baptism & Birthday Parties
Last Saturday was a crazy day! We had already planned Grace's 3rd birthday party (and it was her actual birthday), and when we tried to book Lydia's baptism Saturday was the only date available until January (since there are no baptisms during Advent). Paul had a funeral to attend Saturday so he was gone all morning. Thankfully, Grandma Borneman, Grace's Godfather David and Jenny were all available to help get ready!
Here's Grandma Borneman and Lydia. Lydia is getting her 2 year molars, they are all still below the gums yet though. I can't wait to be done with her teething for a while; she seems quite uncomfortable with teething.
Here's Ella and Godparents Ken and Sara.

After church, we ate. Then it was time for Grace to open gifts - both hers, Ella's and a few of Lydia's. Since some people thought it was only fair for her to have a few of her own things to open. Grace does a really good job of letting other kids help her open gifts. I'm sure it will not last forever, so I am grateful for her willingness to share while it lasts. Last week when she received 2 birthday cards in the mail on the same day, she gave one card to Lydia and kept one for herself to open. (Thank you for the cards Ethan, Heather, Emma, & Katherine and Bob and Lois).
The guys don't really seem to care what the kids are up too!
Opening Ella's gifts for her!!
My birthday girl! Happy Birthday Grace!!

Lydia didn't get into the unwrapping of gifts. She left that to the older girls. She waited patiently until the gift was unwrapped, then she would take it to play with while the girls moved onto the next present! Smart girl!
I had a hard time keeping track of who bought what for both Grace and Ella. The house seemed full of new clothes, toys and games.
I am already looking forward to the excitement and joy of Christmas with the three girls!!
Here's Grandma Borneman and Lydia. Lydia is getting her 2 year molars, they are all still below the gums yet though. I can't wait to be done with her teething for a while; she seems quite uncomfortable with teething.
Here's Ella and Godparents Ken and Sara.
I am already looking forward to the excitement and joy of Christmas with the three girls!!
Birthday Breakfast
Playgroup Party
There is no better way to start a week than Monday playgroup... unless it's a birthday party playgroup.
The littlest of girls (Katelyn, Ella, and Pyper) even enjoy each others company (or maybe not, since the only one that appears to be awake is Pyper).
Grace insisted on being a princess for her party and had to wear her Sleeping Beauty dress. She wore the dress ALL day including while we ran errands to the library and to church.
Grace had lots of fun and couldn't wait until Dad got home so she could share every detail of her day with him.
Here are the pictures... in no particular order.


The littlest of girls (Katelyn, Ella, and Pyper) even enjoy each others company (or maybe not, since the only one that appears to be awake is Pyper).
Grace had lots of fun and couldn't wait until Dad got home so she could share every detail of her day with him.
Here are the pictures... in no particular order.
It was a chilly Halloween night, but the girls managed to go trick-or-treating for a while. Ella made it to one house. Lydia went to a few more than that before she came home to the heated house and food! She had lots more fun handing candy out to the other kids. Grace and Paul managed to stay out for almost an hour! They were greeted with hot cocoa and a snack.

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