Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Just when I thought I had this three girls things down, Lydia got the flu...then Ella...then Grace. The doctor wanted to see Ella on Friday since she was so sick Thursday night and Friday morning. Even with her bout of the flu, Ella still managed to gain over a pound in the 2 weeks since her most recent visit. All the girls are starting to feel much better!

Grace had her three year pictures taken. They also took pictures of both Lydia and Ella. They didn't take pictures of all the girls together though, so I think we'll have to go back to get more taken!

Here's Lydia looking happier than she's ever been when it's her turn to get pictures taken!

Here's Ella. I can't figure out how to rotate the picture, so you'll have to turn your head.

The cutest baby since Lydia!
Paul and the gorgeous girls!
Grace with her nervous finger-in-the-mouth habit.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Fall Fun

Paul is back to work and the girls and I are settling in to our weekly routine. I was hoping the newness of Ella would wear off at some point, and the girls would leave her alone a little during the day. Grace and Lydia have both figured out how to collapse the playmat so there aren't the bars to hang the cute animals and toys. The bars were just an extra barrier that got in the way of their sister bonding time.

Ella, finally by herself.
Grace and Lydia made Grandma Borneman a birthday cake on Friday. Saturday they decorated it for her. It sure was beautiful!

Grandma with all the girls
Saturday mornings...
We went to a local pumpkin farm for the morning. It was a bit muddy, but the girls had a ball. We went on a short hayride before picking out our pumpkins from the field.

Grace might have been there all day, she just couldn't make up her mind. The next one just might be better.
Here's our littlest pumpkin in the pumpkin patch.
Lydia, Ella and Mom
Mission accomplished!How tall are they this year?

Friday, October 16, 2009

Deena & Cody's wedding weekend

Last Friday we flew to Colorado for a family wedding. I was expecting a terrible flight with 3 screaming kids for 2 hours and overtired, crabby kids all weekend, followed by an equally nightmarish flight back to Milwaukee. Thankfully it wasn't too bad at all. (I'm still not ready to do it again any time soon!)

Ella was two days over the required 14 day age minimum thanks to my fabulous doctor! Our flight left at 7:30 am, so we (Paul and Rudy) decided we needed to be leaving the house by 5 am. We dropped the cars off, checked in, then got way slowed down going through security. I think they went through all our bags!!

Once on the flight, Lydia fell asleep as we took off, Ella slept the entire way and Grace ate almost an entire bag of Dum Dum suckers and read with Grandma Borneman. Yeah!

Friday night was the rehearsal followed by dinner at the Minturn Saloon. Grace liked hanging out with Kelsey (until the wedding when she was supposed to stand next to her).
Nothing is more fun than dancing on a wide open dance floor with cool cowgirl boots. (Thanks Sam & Maryann).
They even had cool sippy cups for the kiddie cocktails! And of course, Grandma has Ella. Although she had lots of competition to hold her all weekend.
Grace and Grandpa Borneman
The wedding was Saturday night. Grace was terrified as she walked down the aisle and slipped into Grandma & Grandpa's seat. Luckily they were in the second pew.

Here's Lydia and Grandpa reading the bible.
Ella's sleeping again.
By Sunday, both we were all exhausted. Here the girls are on the way to the airport.

I know these pictures are totally out of order. I took them from Alyssa's FB page. Somehow, we became terrible about not taking pictures of our kids this weekend. We never had the camera and when we did we obviously didn't take many pictures. We'll get better, I hope. Even if we don't, we'll be getting the Christmas pictures taken soon.

Dorky Kids

If you didn't think Grace and Lydia looked like Paul, maybe these pictures will convince you. I'm not exactly sure why helmets are necessary for pulling or riding in the wagon, but I guess it's better to be safe, right?!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Family of Five

We've been settling into life as a family of five this week. Last Friday we brought Ella home from the hospital. The girls have been hovering over her endlessly ever since. Here's Grandma Borneman with Ella and Lydia. As you will notice, Ella doesn't get much alone time. Grace and Lydia like to be wherever their new little sister goes.

Grace and Lydia anxiously awaited Ella coming home. Lydia's new hobby is seeing how many times a day she can kiss Ella.

They even got her balloons. Which conveniently became their balloons.

Ella chilling on the playmat.

Last weekend was busy with visitors. Grandma Charlie & Grandma Dawn came bringing exotic candies (Skittles and M&Ms) for Grace and Lydia. Here they are with Ella.

The Pedersen grandparents and extended family were here Sunday to see Ella and the girls.

This is what Lydia does when Dad wants to get some work done and everyone else is napping.

This is how our mornings start.

This morning we went to the Fire Safety fair. Grace and Lydia loved climbing around the firetrucks.