So, I guess I should explain the title. My niece Haley spent last week at our house while her babysitter was on vacation. I've had to come up with things to do during the afternoons when Grace and Lydia napped. I was going to make some Nilla wafer cheeseburgers, but instead decided that cupcakes might be easier (plus I really wanted brownies!) Check out our "burgers and fries!"
Sand, water, toys, and of course, great friends!
Lydia's back to normal at the top of the playset! That's my happy climber!

Yes, I do occasionally dress my girls in the same outfit. I often dress them in the same color too - not necessarily because I am "that mom" or because I think it's adorable. I think it's much easier to have to look for one color when I scan a playground or a large group of children. Haley wasn't required to wear matching clothes, but apparently this day she did.
Here are the three girls together. Don't be thinking anything cute is going on! Grace wanted to play with Lydia. Haley just wanted her picture taken lots and I was taking pictures of Lydia. Lydia wanted both Grace and Haley to leave her alone and get off her toy!!! Poor Lydia they had intruded from both sides.
In an attempt to keep an 8 year old occupied during nap time, I decided to make some sidewalk paint. Apparently sidewalk chalk loses it's luster by July!
Here are my future artists! Lots of colors, lots of patio to cover! By the time they were done, the entire patio was painted. All three girls and the poor dog were all colored head to toe as well!