We walked to the Germantown Christmas parade a few weeks ago. Grace enjoyed the various llamas, horses and dogs that marched in the parade.
We finally upgraded our TV. Since we only had a 27" Tv and it was not digitally equiped, it was about time. When the UPS man delivered it to our house, Grace was amazed by the size of her "gift." Since her birthday almost a month ago, everything seems to be a gift. With Christmas coming, this habit may not be broken for a while. Here is Grace playing her her new house.
In addition to playing in cardboard boxes, Grace likes to roll in the rugs. It may be a sign that we need to heat our house more. Maybe it would help of she kept her socks on her feet too.
Snow! The first day we had snow at our own house this year, Grace was thrilled. She threw a huge fit when she first woke up and Diesel got to go outside before she did. We eventually got bundled up and made it outside to Grace's delight.
Lydia is crawling everywhere, including up steps. She loves her new found freedom. She is getting pretty confident her ability to stand as well. Yesterday, I found her cruising around the furniture.